Monday, 20 June 2016

Rock Climbing and Abseiling

Yesterday I woke up so pump to get to school so I could talk to my friends about the rock climb half of you went yesterday and the other half is going today. When we got there I really wanted to just get into the climbing we had to do some abseil practice when we first got there so we know what we are doing when we go down the hill. Then it was finally time for my group to get to go rock climbing I went third Grace C, Connor P. Then I got to go I made it all the way to the top it was easy for me, When I was coming down I fell and hit my hand on rock and cut the side of my knuckle up and some we marks on the side of my hand, when I got down my hand, was so painful. The worst part was that I had to climb up out of the cove so I could get some plasters. They did not have any normal plasters they had they did not have some simple plasters it was kinda funny and bad at the same time, So they had to give me some plaster stuff. I Just sat down and tried to get Isaac K To abseil down. I was so mad that I had hurt my hand because it went all numb and I could not move it or get a grip on it so I could not abseil. One of the best parts of the trip was watching Connor P He went to go down the hill he was over the edge he could not do it he came up and he was just like YOLO and went right over the edge and all the way over and down nobody could not believe that he had just done that. Isaac M Done the same thing he was on the edge closed his eyes and had a breath and just went for it.


1 comment:

  1. Connor, I was so proud of you and your efforts on the rock climb. Getting to the top of this was an awesome achievement. It's a real shame you didn't get a chance to abseil but I'm stoked to hear you were really motivated by Connor and Isaac's efforts - inspirational huh? Make sure you take your rock climbing attitude into the next challenge.
